Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pumpkin pie!

With Thanksgiving right around the corner I thought I would share this little gem.  You really can have your pie and eat it too!

Pumpkin Pie with Almond Crust

For the filling:
1 1/2 cups pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
3 eggs
1/2 cup full-fat coconut milk
3 T/1/4 cup pure maple syrup
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 T cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
1 tsp. cloves
¼ tsp. sea salt
  • Crust
  • 1⅓ cups  almond flour
  • ⅓ cup tapioca flour
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 large egg
  • ¼ cup shortening
  • ¾ teaspoon pure vanilla extract

  • Mix all ingredient in a food processor until there are no lump.  Don't over mix!  In a greased pie pan take the ball of dough, and with your fingers start in the middle and press your way out, until you have cover the entire dish.  Trim the edges.  Poke hole and then place in a pre-heated (350) oven for 12 min.  Keep an eye on it, so it doesn't burn.  Cool before adding filling.

     In a food processor, combine the filling ingredients and blend until smooth. Pour filling into the prebaked pie crust almost to the top and bake on the middle shelf at 350° for 45 minutes, or until the center just jiggles.  Allow to cool and serve cold or room temperature.

    Easy as pie!

    Friday, November 7, 2014

    I just can't do...

    I am headed out of town tomorrow and most likely won't post anything.  But, this is one thing I want to address TODAY!  The amount of e-mails I have been getting is CRAZY!   They have varied.  But, the biggest thing everyone is saying is; I just can't do it!  I can't give up sugar.  So, my response to ALL OF YOU  is this:

    People!  Giving up sugar isn't going to be easy!  Anything worth doing usually requires some effort on our part.  MOST people have a sugar addiction they are not even aware of it.  The easiest way to get over addiction is to go cold turkey. Be aware it is VERY common to experience some withdrawal symptoms ie, headache, fatigue, moodiness. After about 3 or 4 days you should notice a new calmness, and your desire for sweets should be drastically reduced. Start by getting the sweets out of your kitchen, desk, drawers your secret stash. Don't roll your eyes, we all know you have a secret stash!  Next ,tell your friends, co-workers, family what you are doing, so they aren't taken off guard when you decline the next slice of pie they offer you!

    Thought #2. If it is easier for you to plan a "moderate" dessert once a week than trying to abstain completely and then feel guilty when you overindulge.  Then by all means, do that!  You don't have to think of this as an all or nothing.  This is real life.  ANY sugar that you cut from your diet, your body will thank you for!
    The key to anything in life is try your best!  If you have sugar today, it is not the end of the world.  The great thing is, you don't have to wait until tomorrow to make a better choice you can do it at your next meal!


    Lastly, don't make things harder than they are!  Ya'll are stronger than you think!

    Substitutes, what do you use?

    People have been asking if I am not using processed sugar what AM I using.  Well, that just happens to be a great question!  I have a whole list of things that you can use instead of sugar.  Things that you are going to feel going about putting in your body!

    1. Raw. Unfiltered Honey. Let me repeat, RAW. UNFILTERED HONEY!!!  

    2.  Maple Syrup. The benefits of maple syrup are aplenty: It comes directly from a plant’s sap and contains over 50 antioxidants. Make sure to grab the real stuff (sorry, Aunt Jemima)

    3. Applesauce. Instead of a half-cup white sugar in a batch of oatmeal cookies, swap in an equal amount of applesauce!  Homemade would be my first choice but, you can get the no added sugar at the store.

    4. Puréed Banana. In the next loaf of banana bread, try using extra-ripe bananas and eliminating the sugar. The fruit naturally becomes sweeter as it ripens, so there’s no need for extra sugar

    5. Processed Dates. Grab a bunch of dates for an extra boost of antioxidants in the next baking experiment . With a low glycemic index and some subtle sweetness, it may be perfect for  the base of homemade granola bars . Substitute two-thirds cup for one cup of regular sugar.

    6.  Coconut Sugar. Get a little tropical and use coconut sugar in a fruit smoothie. Made from the sap of coconut flowers, this natural sugar comes in block, paste, or granulated form. Plus, it’s loaded with potassium, which helps keeps our bones strong.

    A simple recipe for granola that is a favorite in our house:

    Clean Eating Granola 1 cup oats(not quick oats) 1/3 cup walnuts (you use use almonds, cashews etc) 1/4 cup sunflower seeds 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce 1/4 cup raw honey 1 tsp cinnamon
    1/2 tsp vanilla extract Directions: Preheat the oven to 325°F In a large bowl, mix the applesauce, honey and vanilla. In a separate bowl, mix the other ingredients together. Combine the dry ingredients with the wet mixture and mix well. line a baking tray and spread on the granola. Make sure it’s evenly spread so everything cooks evenly. Bake for 20-25 minutes depending on how brown you want it (The browner it is the crisper it will be ). Make sure you keep your eye on it and give it a toss after 10 minutes to make sure nothing burns. leave to cool then transfer to an air tight container.

    Thursday, November 6, 2014

    I have to share this!!!

    I stumbled on this at the store this week and my kids loved it!  Well, maybe not loved but didn't hate it!  Which is a score in my book.  If you haven't see this or tried it, I highly recommend giving it a try.   Finding yogurt that is chalk full of sugar is a rarity.  This is the description that come from the manufacturer:
     Elli Quark is a spoonable fresh cheese with a creamy texture similar to Greek yogurt, 
    but with a richer, less sour taste. It also has a better protein-to-carb ratio than Greek yogurt, with high protein and no added sugars.  Made from milk from cows not treated with rBST and free of added sugars and gluten, Elli Quark is also vegetarian friendly (no gelatin) and all-natural. Sweetened with fruit, erythritol and Stevia, it’s a dang clean ingredient list and full of probiotics.   80 calories, 0 grams of fat, 5 grams of sugar, 14 grams of protein and 15 percent of your calcium needs.

    07 23 12 ElliQuark  3

    My sweet treat

    We know we all love chocolate, we know that real chocolate has wonderful health benefits.  The problem is finding real true chocolate without all the sugar and without all the other added "junk".
    Last year when we visiting my in-laws, my mother in law introduced me to this wonderful little concoction.  It is the perfect little treat, especially as it is getting cooler outside.  And, it is super easy!  You can make it for yourself or for your whole family.  A single serving would like this:

    1 C. almond breeze milk (0 sugars!)  I like the almond coconut, the fam likes the plain almond.
    2 tsp. bensdorp dutch process cocoa  -1 tbsp is 30 calories and 0 sugars.
    Then from there get creative! I have added everything from cinnamon and nutmeg (my fav) to peppermint oil.

    I am exciting to see how this little treat works for you all!

    P.S. when I make this for kids they little to add a little coffee creamer.  So, I found this nestle natural bliss.  It has 5 grams of sugar.  But, the great thing is the ingredients are: nonfat milk, heavy cream, sugar and natural flavor.  That is it!  They love the cinnamon cream flavor! 

    Bensdorp Dutch-Process Cocoa - 16 oz.Wicked Hot Chocolate

    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    What about your kids?

    One question I have been asked ALOT is : What do you do over the holidays when everyone is handing out candy at school, grandmas, parties etc.  Especially for Snacks at school and birthday treats. How do you make your kids not feel left out if they don't get something too?

    I am going to be honest and admit that my answer is not going to be the popular one, but it will be an honest one!

    When it comes to my kids and what and how they eat, that is where things get tricky!  The first thing I learned in all aspects of parenting is that I cannot control everything!  I can't control who they talk to, what they say, how they act, or what they eat.   I don't tell my kids that they cannot have sugar, chips, crackers, cupcakes or any of that.  I don't buy it either. :)  I want them to have the ability to chose for themselves.  Now, before you get all crazy with me, let me explain.  First, my kids have been reading labels since they could read.  So, age 4-5.  Second, we talk about making good choices ALL the time.  At home, at school and at church. They need to know that they can make their own choices. 

    I don't want to create food anxieties, I don't want to create eating disorders.  They see the choices that my husband and I make, they see what we eat, and we have alot of open communication in our house.  I want to create the ability for my kids to make choices for themselves.  Does that mean that they make what I would consider a bad choice, ABSOLUTELY!  But, it is okay!   Find me a perfect person, anywhere!  They  are making more and more good choices.  They are learning through their own actions that when they eat to much of something that they don't feel good.  Or that can't concentrate as well, or they can't run as fast.  They have even learned what a sugar crash is.  I would much rather them learn these things at 9,10, 13 whatever than at 30-40.

    And, for me that is the goal, to teach them to choice for themselves.  Not just in food but in all aspects of life.  If I tell them what they can and cannot eat they are either one going to do it begrudgingly, sneak and do it anyway, (which is the last thing I want) or do it not really knowing why except I said so and not have any of their own experience to learn what is right for them.

    So, when they are outside of the house, I can't control what goes on.  I do my best to teach them and trust that eventually, (which really isn't taking very long) to make the best choices for themselves.  

    If they have a cookie or cupcake at an activity, I don't sweat it.  It is not and will not be the end of the world!

    Fajita Omlet

    Breakfast doesn't have to be boring!  And, you know what, they really know what they are talking about when they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day!  I find that if I eat a good breakfast, I stay fuller longer and I don't have the 3-4 p.m. crash cravings.  
    This is a pretty basic but versatile recipe, but it sure is yummy!

     1 tablespoon olive oil
    1/2 onion, sliced
    1 bell pepper, sliced
    5 mushrooms, sliced
    1 teaspoon crushed garlic
    3 eggs, beaten 
    salt and pepper

    for topping: avocado slices, salsa, sliced black olives
    Optional if you are doing dairy: shredded cheese, sour cream

    1. In a medium skillet, heat olive oil until shimmering.
    1. Add onion, pepper, mushrooms, and garlic. Saute, stirring, until the vegetables are tender and starting to brown a bit, about 7 to 10 minutes. Remove vegetables from pan and set aside.
    1. Heat pan to medium high. Pour eggs into the pan and cook until done, tilting the pan and pushing cooked portion toward middle, letting uncooked eggs run to edge. I like to flip them or cover the pan to ensure total doneness. (I don’t like “wet’ omelets.
    1. Sprinkle filling over half of the omelet and fold over.
    1. Place omelet on plate and garnish with avocado, salsa, and olives. If desired, add additional toppings.
    Fajita Omelet