Wednesday, November 5, 2014

What about your kids?

One question I have been asked ALOT is : What do you do over the holidays when everyone is handing out candy at school, grandmas, parties etc.  Especially for Snacks at school and birthday treats. How do you make your kids not feel left out if they don't get something too?

I am going to be honest and admit that my answer is not going to be the popular one, but it will be an honest one!

When it comes to my kids and what and how they eat, that is where things get tricky!  The first thing I learned in all aspects of parenting is that I cannot control everything!  I can't control who they talk to, what they say, how they act, or what they eat.   I don't tell my kids that they cannot have sugar, chips, crackers, cupcakes or any of that.  I don't buy it either. :)  I want them to have the ability to chose for themselves.  Now, before you get all crazy with me, let me explain.  First, my kids have been reading labels since they could read.  So, age 4-5.  Second, we talk about making good choices ALL the time.  At home, at school and at church. They need to know that they can make their own choices. 

I don't want to create food anxieties, I don't want to create eating disorders.  They see the choices that my husband and I make, they see what we eat, and we have alot of open communication in our house.  I want to create the ability for my kids to make choices for themselves.  Does that mean that they make what I would consider a bad choice, ABSOLUTELY!  But, it is okay!   Find me a perfect person, anywhere!  They  are making more and more good choices.  They are learning through their own actions that when they eat to much of something that they don't feel good.  Or that can't concentrate as well, or they can't run as fast.  They have even learned what a sugar crash is.  I would much rather them learn these things at 9,10, 13 whatever than at 30-40.

And, for me that is the goal, to teach them to choice for themselves.  Not just in food but in all aspects of life.  If I tell them what they can and cannot eat they are either one going to do it begrudgingly, sneak and do it anyway, (which is the last thing I want) or do it not really knowing why except I said so and not have any of their own experience to learn what is right for them.

So, when they are outside of the house, I can't control what goes on.  I do my best to teach them and trust that eventually, (which really isn't taking very long) to make the best choices for themselves.  

If they have a cookie or cupcake at an activity, I don't sweat it.  It is not and will not be the end of the world!

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